The merchant of venice  + mp3 online b1

The merchant of venice + mp3 online b1

di  shakespeare
Pubblicato da hoepli, 2022
ISBN:  9788836008544
Le prenotazioni sono terminate il 01/10/2023, non è possibile aggiungere nuovi testi al carrello.
A classic Shakespearean comedy, where the true nature of love and friendship is questioned. In a fast turn of events, both serious and funny, a smart womanâ?(TM)s plan will make a big difference in the battle between good and evil, saving an innocent from a cruel moneylender. Shakespeareâ?(TM)s original work is enriched with a subplot, where a group of students studies the comedy to pass an important audition. The text includes a variety of activities for the four skills and dossiers to discover more about cultural and historical aspects. The volume also comes with a set of recordings.
Autore: shakespeare
Editore: hoepli
ISBN: 9788836008544
Numero di tomi: 1
Numero di pagine: 160
Anno di pubblicazione: 2022


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